团队核心拥有多年农业机械研发和制造经验积极消化吸收技术和理念,产品质量深受用户好评目前产品主要有液压翻转犁、半悬挂式翻转犁、高速灭茬耙、铲运机、刮板式平地机、深松犁、深翻犁、动力耙等公司正在积极扩充耕地和播种领域产品,并着手智能化农业装备的研发随着公司的发展,将不断开发适合市场需求的新型农业装备,以高品质、智能化的产品服务现代农业无锡德科力拓立足国内市场,并积极开拓海外市场,不断提升自身实力,在农业装备领域努力打造自有核心品牌WUXI DEKLETO is a professional company for engineering/design & manufact-uring for high tech agriculture equipment.The team has many years`experience in the agriculture equipment field,we also absorb and update advanced technology and idea from overseas,the product quality is satisfied by customer.Our current products have hydraulic reversible plough,semi-mounted plough,compact disc harrow,ejector scraper,pull scraper,subsoiler,deep plough & power harrow etc,We are keen on design more other kinds of product on soil equipment and seeding equipment,also on development on the intelligent unit for our products.We will have more new agriculture equipment suitable for the market demand with WUXI DEKLETO team development.We will always focus on the high quliaty & intelligent product for modern agriculture.WUXI DEKLETO will explore overseas market based on domestic market support;we strive to Chinese own core brand in hig tech agriculture equipment.